my name is Ralf Bzdega, and I am currently studying a degree in Marketing and Tourism Management at Napier University – Edinburgh and as part of my final year Dissertation project am conducting Primary Research into the Whisky tourism industry in Scotland.
I felt that you might be able to assist me with my disseration.
I do have permission to do research at Chivas distilleries, Macallan, Glen Moray and Glenfiddich, given by the Distillery Visitor Centre managers of each of the named distilleries.
My dissertation supervisor suggested to generate over 300 responses for my survey. (As the regular response rate is approx. 5 %,
this means I need to ask 1500 people within the next 16 days!) I feel that I can only achieve this number, when the respondents can access my survey online.
Hence I created an online survey, and hoped that it would be possible to get a link on your webpage, or if that is not possible, maybe if you do have a list of whisky enthusiast who might have been to one of the involved distilleries, you could forward the survey link to.
I feel it is important to get professional replies of people such as yourself as well as the replies of the "Whisky tourism Virgins".
I hope you do not mind filling in the survey yourself.
I also kindly ask if you could you please forward this link to all of your staff/society or forum members via internal mails, email, intranet etc. -
I came up with an incentive to participate in the survey, and this incentives is JIM MURRAYS 2006 Whisky Bible, which will be posted to the winner of the draw.
It would be great if you could get in touch with me, to discuss this further.
Please feel free to contact me via my email.
I am looking forward to hear from you
Kind regards 
Ralf Bzdega